BCCI President Roger Binny named Devajit Saikia the acting secretary of the BCCI, succeeding Jay Shah, who assumed the role of the new ICC head on December 1. Saikia, who is from Assam, was a former first-class cricketer. He is the joint secretary of the BCCI at the moment.
Binny utilized his constitutional authority to name Saikia as acting secretary, as a temporary measure until a permanent secretary is chosen in accordance with BCCI rules and regulations. Binny used section 7(1)(d) of the BCCI constitution to grant secretarial powers to Saikia, who is also the Advocate General of Assam, in a letter to Saikia, which is in possession of PTI.
“The president shall in the event of vacancy or indisposition shall delegate the functions to another office bearer until the vacancy is duly filled up or indisposition ceases.”
“Accordingly, I delegate the functions of secretary to you till the post is filled up by processes laid down as per BCCI rules and regulations. I am confident you will perform duties to the best of your abilities and with aplomb,” Binny wrote to Saikia.
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Before the position is filled permanently, Saikia is expected to stay in this role till September next year.